I've recently moved to a small town, outside a medium-sized, midwestern city, that is very progressive. The town I'm in now, is mostly Democratic, but it's still very "small town." I just enrolled my son in the local preschool, and they asked me to buy a milk ticket, on the first day of school. I said, "well, my son only drinks organic milk." The person totally scowled at me, and said, "well, you'll just have to bring it."
I'm not a nazi about organic food, or anything. Usually, we buy all organic, except for a few convenience foods that are easier for me, from time to time -- pre-cut, cooked chicken breast strips, specialty foods (gravlax, lefsa, etc.), or whole grain products that I can't find organic etc. -- and I go to great lengths to find coupons, and stock up when expensive organic things are on sale. We eat out, at normal places, eat at parties, and I don't insist on bringing organic food to every event, I don't push it on people, and I don't look down at people who don't buy organic food. But, the sad fact is that preschoolers who drink organic juice and milk have like six to nine times fewer chemicals and pesticide residue in their urine, than kids who drink regular milk. That's not even to mention the hormones and the antibiotics. So, for most dairy products and juice, I make sure that he always drinks organic, or, at the very least, "all natural," in a pinch.
So, his teachers, in his class, are really nice about it, and they showed me where I could put it, in the milk case, on top, for his class. So, today, when I brought it, some nazi guarding the milk case gave me a dirty look, and totally snapped at me, when I came to put his milk in the cooler. I was trying to make sure that he understood that this was supposed to go to the preschool class, and he just huffed, and said, "your kid will get his special milk."
I also have done a lot of reading of message board posts on organic food, and one would not believe the flame wars that arise on parenting message boards on organic food. It's like every time someone brings up organics, all the parents who don't feed their kid organic food have to chime in and accuse the organic eaters of insisting that they're bad parents, or are abusing their children, because they don't eat organic food. Then, there's always the "well-my-science-says-organic-food-is-no-better-for-you," person, who is also indignant, out the wazoo. My mother even gets huffy when I tell her that I'd rather make a milkshake, at home, for my son, where I can use organic milk and ice cream, than take him to the DQ for a milkshake. Regular people who buy organic foods, for themselves, get accused of being "snotty," or "frou frou," Whole Foods is derided, often, and there's always some excuse to bash people who buy organic.
I know we have flame wars, on here, about vegetarianism and veganism, and all kinds of things about PC food -- and right wingers are ALWAYS citing sushi and lattes as a sign that the American empire is crumbling.
My question is, I guess - what's the deal? Why are people so defensive about people who don't choose to eat the Kraft Macaroni and Coca-Cola diet? You saw the people who filmed the documentaries about how they lost weight, while eating McDonalds, to counter Morgan Spurlock's "SuperSize Me." What was the point of that? Unless they were paid by McDonald's (which is a very good possibility), I submit that some defensive, indignant chump got a little wrinkly because someone attacked McDonald's. I remember reading, in an article that someone wrote something like "and the vegan food that Spurlock and his girlfriend were eating looked, GROSS," and they were making fun of it.
It's obvious that espresso tastes better than watered-down piss coffee, and vegetables are better for you than high-fructose meat candy, and that organic food doesn't fill your kid with carcinogens, hormones and antibiotics. Why do people feel the need to attack these things? Every person who's ever eaten organic food, that I've known, has never treated non-organic food people snottily. If they express displeasure at, say, non-organic milk, it's about the milk -- NOT THE PERSON. But the person takes it personally, and thinks you're accusing them of being a child abuser, or that they intentionally poison their kids. I personally think they ARE poisoning their kids -- but not necessarily intentionally, or only insofar as we all do things for convenience, and cost, that harm us. But it's more than that. They get defensive because YOU eat organic food -- not because you think they should.
Have any other people had experiences like this -- with schools or organic haters, grandparents, etc.? Why is food so political? Thoughts?