Millions of Americans, possibly you and your family members, are being prescribed drugs which
-Are researched by drug companies under stacked testing results -Get approved by the FDA which is run by a Bush appointee (who previously successfuly sued the FDA and won in front of the Supreme Court the right for tobacco companies to advertise within 1000 ft of schools) -Then recommended in top journals like New England Journal of Medicine by doctors and researchers who are paid by the drug companies -Then foisted on doctors along with dinners, ski trips, golf perks, gifts, food. clothes and more to get them to prescribe this drug, which is then -Advertised relentlessly on TV with no oversight about the truth in their ads or warnings of side effects -Then prescribed to YOU, the patient, at a cost of 7 times what they're worth, when you quite possibly don't even need it.
The Pharma industry makes a couple billion annually MORE than the Oil Industry.
They have more lobbyists on Capitol Hill than anyone.
Donald Rumsfeld was the President of a drug company for several years.
The Bushes still sit on the board of Eli Lily.
A substantial kickback to a drug company that heavily donated to Bush was written into the Patriot Act, though afterwards no one would admit who included the provision.
This is a non-partisan issue which is robbing and killing all of us.
watch the trailer for the documentary that details all of this at <www.toolz.blogs.com>.