If your like me the first thing I think of when I see the word "Chimp", is our boy, the feckin' idgit in chief. Sort of how the word gay and kleenex have taken on meanings outside their original intent.
http://apnews1.iwon.com/article/20050826/D8C7FDG81.htmlXI'AN, China (AP) - The handlers of a smoking chimpanzee in a zoo in northwest China are trying to get her to kick the habit.
The 26-year-old female chimpanzee has been smoking for 15 years. Her mate died recently, which caused her to smoke even more.
Now, the chimp's keepers are worried about her health as a result of her intense smoking. So, they're trying to give her milk instead of cigarettes.
She started smoking years ago by picking up butts from tourists.