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Oklahoma City Bombing Files

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The Night Owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-05 02:02 PM
Original message
Oklahoma City Bombing Files
Edited on Fri Aug-26-05 02:03 PM by The Night Owl

California Congressman Wants OC Bombing Files Given To Utah Judge

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- A California congressman is asking the FBI to give nearly 100 pages of Oklahoma City bombing files to a Utah judge.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher says in a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller that the documents should be provided to the judge without delay.

The files have been provided, but are heavily redacted with names and other information blacked out. The judge wants unredacted copies of the documents.


Lest we forget, right wingers who idolize monsters like McVeigh are out there.

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classof56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-05 02:26 PM
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1. You're right--I have known a few. Truly scary people.
They make my stomach churn and my heart ache. Yep, McVeigh is a hero in their eyes. And the kids in the Murrah Bldg. day care center were simply "collateral damage", according to these scumbags. Actually know one preacher who said God allowed the kids to be killed 'cause they might have grown up to be evil.

Some sick, sick people are among us.

Tired Old Cynic
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