I was reading
Will the leak of a CIA agent's name be the next big political scandal? by Jack Shafer over at Slate and a this jumped out at me:
Novak's White House sources aren't the only potentially prosecutable leakers. The identity of an undercover operative such as Plame would not automatically be something in circulation at the White House. Somebody at the CIA would have had to tell the White House that Plame was Wilson's wife and that she was undercover. Any aggressive Justice dragnet is as likely to collect CIA employees as it is White House officials.It is not necessarily true that there was a leak originating from the CIA. Dick Cheney spent an inordinate amount of time at the CIA preceding the War in Iraq. So it's plausible that he met Valerie Plame there during one of his briefings. Maybe he recognized her as the wife of Ambassador Wilson. Maybe he even tried to influence her analysis on Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Leading Democrats also have questions for the Vice President:According to The Washington Post, June 5, 2003, you made "multiple" "unusual" visits to CIA to meet directly with Iraq analysts. The Post reported: "Vice President Cheney and his most senior aide made multiple trips to the CIA over the past year to question analysts studying Iraq's weapons programs."
These visits were unprecedented. Normally, Vice Presidents, yourself included, receive regular briefings from CIA in your office and have a CIA officer on permanent detail. In other words, there is no reason for the Vice President to make personal visits to CIA analysts.
According to the Post, your unprecedented visits created "an environment in which some analysts felt they were being pressured to make their assessments fit with the Bush administration's policy objectives." Now why would Cheney have an interest in trying to discredit Wilson of the Niger Yellow Cake Scandal. Could it be that he wanted to distance himself from the fact he had received information on the Wilson findings? Could he be trying to deny that his office had anything to do with the investigation? Could he have struck back at the CIA for leaking the story that it had given Wilson's report to Vice President's Office in early July?
More questions for Cheney:According to The New York Times of May 6, 2003, "more than a year ago the vice president's office asked for an investigation of the uranium deal, so a former U.S. Ambassador to Africa was dispatched to Niger."
The ambassador "reported to the CIA and State Department that the information was unequivocally wrong and that the documents had been forged," according to the Times. Indeed, that former U.S. Ambassador, Joseph Wilson, wrote in The New York Times, July 6, 2003, "The vice president's office asked a serious question. We were asked to help formulate the answer. We did so, and we have every confidence that the answer we provided was circulated to the appropriate officials within our government."
Moreover, your chief of staff, Mr. Libby, told Time magazine this week that you did in fact express interest in the report to the CIA briefer. Our understanding is that Standard Operating Procedure is that if a principal asks about a report, he is given a specific answer. Personally I don’t find it implausible that Robert Novak picked up the phone and called Cheney or one of his staff to get to the bottom of the story of the day.
Also, I find Josh Marshall’s from Talking Point Memo
description of Cheney rather true to life:
The problem I suspect is that Dick Cheney is really the von Clausewitz of political gamesmanship. All frontal attacks and massed troops and beating the enemy into the ground. He's got none of what B.H. Liddell Hart called the "indirect approach."
In the calculus of the Bush White House political game Cheney isn't just the heavy. He's the anvil. Whenever there is a hint of trouble -- like when the first intelligence failure revelations came out -- you can bet they'll send out Dick Cheney to go right for the Dems' jugular.
Cheney is like the mob goon who comes to your house, looks at you with maniacal eyes, wrings your neck with his clammy hands and tells you if you don't cool it he's not just gonna kill you, he's gonna wipe out your family, knee-cap your nephew, saw your dog in half, and pour salt and bleach all over your lawn so nothing grows on it again for another hundred years.
By the time somebody gets done getting the treatment like that they don't even remember the questions they once had the temerity to ask…Now this is pure speculation on my part, since I don’t know if Cheney talked to Novak, but he had the means, motive, and opportunity which definitely makes him a suspect.
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