Hotel rates skyrocket in DC for rally weekend...
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Fri Aug-26-05 04:11 PM
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Hotel rates skyrocket in DC for rally weekend... |
The following was posted by a co-worker in our DC office in our daily firm bulletin yesterday.
Hotels in DC Rates skyrocket 09/23 thru 27. Be aware that there are very large meetings taking place in DC from 09/23 thru 27. This will have a profound impact on the availability and rates of hotel accommodations. Negotiated rates will not apply on these dates.
Hmmm...I wonder what "large meetings" they're talking about.
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Fri Aug-26-05 04:16 PM
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1. Stay in Rockville, Silver Springs Maryland & take METRO |
Or stay in Arlington, VA or Alexandria, VA and take METRO.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:50 PM
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