Where is the outrage? I just can't believe we live in the USA.
"This invasion was based on lies. First of all, the republicans wanted it, they got it. Why are the taxpayers and US soldiers paying for it? Everything about this has been a lie. Where is the money going? You want to start fixing this mess? How about pulling out Haliburton, Kellog-Brown, and all the other republican defense contractors that are making a fortune at US taxpayer's expense. When are there going to be investigations into that fiasco? Second - get rid of the Executive orders that basically give the US the oil wells. Get rid of parts of the 100 rules that are a gift to US firms - that Iraq farmers can only use Monsanto spliced seeds; that everything has to be privatized and given to US companies.
Until the graft and the buy out happens, Iraq will continue to be a mess. The people in Iraq know we are there to steal their wealth. Why are we building 14 bases? Practice? Take the oil off the table. Fire everyone that isn't an Iraqi. Then talk to me about what can be done. You are not addressing any of the real problems there. Like why are we killing civilians - 125,000 since the invasion. What about the stories about US troops being involved in car bombs? I have not seen this much slaughter since Vietnam. Bush and anyone who supports keeping the troops there is continuing the slaughter and theft of a great nation that has been reduced to rubble so our president can call himself a "war president" and get re-elected. Where is the outrage from the Democrats? Are you really the oppoisiton party or the reinforcing party? When are the real traitors going to be held accountable (Bush, Cheney, Rice, Powell, Rumsfield and everyone else involved in this lie)?