finally here and spending the night with Kay. I arrived in Waco around 8:00 and met up with WolverineDJ where she is staying and we went on out to the Peace House. I delivered the shirts and stuck around for a little while and then DJ and I went to McGregor to get a bite to eat.
Meetings were happening out at Casey II and at the Peace House, everybody getting ready for tomorrow.
Water is covered as I mentioned in an earlier thread, but if you have room and want to bring a couple of cases it is not a bad idea, it is going to be very hot this weekend. They have run short on alternatives to water so if you can, bring Gatorade, bottled tea and sodas.
I did get a 15 passenger van in Dallas, Waco appears to be out and from what I hear Austin is running low as well (DJ picked up a Durango in Round Rock. I'm going to be up early and at the Peace House and will have a better idea of what is happening then and I'll either make a post or contact Generic Other (bless her) to give everyone an update. If you need to contact me, PM Generic Other, she has my contact info.
If you are coming from Dallas area please check in before you head out, I'll know more on van situation in the early am.
Night all, I'll give an update in the am.
Once again DU'ers, I can't say thank you enough. Much love, lots of peace and send lots of good wishes our way.
(interesting little note, when DJ got back to her motel she called and said "help me I'm surrounded by freepers", apparently she inadvertently checked into Freeper Central, I'm not naming which hotel for obvious reasons)