criticism of him because of the prosperity of the '90s. The "free trade" agreements that Clinton backed and signed were a time-bomb that had not yet hit. He promised during the 1992 election to insure labor and environmental protections in those agreements, and completely broke that promise. The vast job losses that we are now suffering are directly attributable to those agreements--not to mention the proliferation of sweatshops worldwide where extremely poor people are suffering virtual indentured servitude, as the power of our labor unions to achieve decent wages and working conditions is utterly destroyed. This was not George Bush's doing. It was Clinton's!
So, too, the Telecommunications Act, which, more than any other factor, except perhaps for the Supreme Court crowning of Bush in '00, was/is responsible for all the death in Iraq, since it was the war profiteering corporate news monopolies who, a) relentlessly propagandized the war, and ignored the 100% pack of lies that the Bush Cartel told about it, and b) trumpeted the minority of Americans who supported the war to create the ILLUSION of a majority, when their own opinion polls showed a majority of nearly 60% opposing the Iraq (way back in Feb. '03, BEFORE the invasion).
These two things--massive job losses and the impact of globalization on organized labor and on our planetary environment, and the Iraq War and its corporate propaganda machine-- have been utter catastrophes for our country and for the world. We cannot, and should not, ignore them in evaluating Clinton's presidency, and in attempting to sway the direction of the Democratic Party NOW.
Clinton's social policies were progressive, and more than this, were truly conservative in the best sense of the word, that is, they honored hundreds of years of social progress and social consensus, and continued that great American tradition of increasing inclusiveness, and opportunity for all. I have nothing but praise for him on this matter (except for letting the generals back him down on regularizing the status of gays in the military--they should have all been fired). I also feel that, if we do indeed continue to have a history, history will some day acknowledge that Clinton was a key factor in the democratization of Latin America that we are now seeing, by calling off the death squads, assassinations and covert wars, and the support for vicious dictators, that had characterized U.S. foreign policy during the Reagan junta and before.
I think he was wrong on Iraq, and played into the PNAC group's diabolical schemes by preparing Iraq for conquest (via the sanctions and "no fly zone" bombings). (Was there ever a more cowardly act than the invasion of Iraq after 12 years of economic and military destruction?) He was also responsible for depleted uranium use in weaponry (on his watch), a time bomb that is going to hit soldiers and their families, much like Gulf War Syndrome and Agent Orange (in Vietnam), and that is already causing vast suffering in Iraq and birth deformities there and here.
It is VERY LIKELY that we are going to have a War Democrat and a supporter of Global Corporate Piracy forced upon us by use of the rightwing-controlled electronic voting machines, with their SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code. We simply don't have time to get this changed, given the bipartisan corruption in the billion dollar electronic voting system boondoggle. We WILL get it changed eventually, but not sufficiently in time for '06 and '08. We will not be permitted the choice of a true, antiwar populist--which is what we very badly need in the White House, and what the great majority of Americans want.
So...we are, in a sense, back to 1992. The War/Corporate Democrat will likely promise to "bring the troops home" some time or another, and NOT to loot Social Security. That's about all we will get...and, maybe, some lip service to progressive values by which we might be able to mount a campaign to, a) reform the election system; and b) bust up the news monopolies.
We will need to be VERY FOCUSED on the MECHANISMS of power--and not get distracted by the betrayal of promises. There are 15 permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq, some of them the size of small cities. We're never leaving there, friends. And those bases are going to be the launching pad for permanent Mideast war, until the U.S. has Israel surrounded with U.S. military might and is in possession of the last big oil reserves on earth (besides Venezuela's). We are also going to see a Draft (something Bushkins cannot do--they need a War Democrat to get that done). The result will be that the Dem Party will get torn to shreds, once and for all, then we get Jeb (in '12).
It is not possible to stop the huge peace movement that is going to develop in opposition to the War Democrat--and I wouldn't want to. God forbid! But, I repeat, we MUST REMAIN FOCUSED on the MECHANISMS of power. On the VOTE and how it is counted, above all. And on the NEWS MONOPOLIES. These are the two ways that the War Party is clinging to power, despite tremendous opposition even now (huge, huge disapproval of this war).
There is a REASON that the global corporate predators took control of our election system--with private, rightwing corporations using "trade secret" software to tabulate our votes (software so secret that not even our elected secretaries of state are permitted to review it). It's because our vote--the votes of American citizens--is a potentially VERY POWERFUL force in the world. We can stop war. We can create peace. We can curtail these global corporate pirates who are chartered in our very own states. We are the only people in the world in a position to gain direct power over the main forces of war and exploitation.
That's why they took our right to vote away, and that's why we must get it back. To do that, we need...
Paper ballots hand-counted at the precinct level (--Canada does it in one day, although speed should not even be a consideration, just accuracy and verifiability)
or, at the least
Paper ballot (not "paper trail") backup of all electronic voting, a 10% audit (automatic recount), strict security, and NO SECRET, PROPRIETARY PROGRAMMING CODE! (...jeez!).
Throw Diebold and ES&S election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!
For more information and action ideas, see the "DU 2004 Election Results and Discussion Forum," at
With properly counted votes in some states, we will be able to start electing true populists to Congress--and begin making headway on election reform and media reform--and can achieve majority rule in the presidential election by '12 or '16. (I don't think we can do it before that, but who knows? We have 3 years til '08, but there may just be too many corrupt Democrats in the big business of electronic voting to get the needed election reforms by '08. Dems are our biggest obstacle to election reform, because people find it hard to understand how Dems could be so insane as to let Bushite companies get control of the voting machinery.)
We can and will get our democracy back, but it's going to take time. And I'm pretty sure we're going to have to struggle through the administration of a War Party-appointed Democrat before we get there. (Do you think CNN and the L.A. Times would be doing exposes of Bush's war if they didn't have a plan to replace him with someone who can better accomplish the purposes of The Project for a New American Century, in the short run?)
Clinton is an interesting model of sharply contrasting policies--and also of false promises and below-the-radar decisions of catastrophic proportions--of a kind that we are likely to be looking at again, this time with war, and a further squeeze on the poor and middle class to pay for it, as the likely issues. It's important to study the Clinton model, and learn lessons from it, and not just react in a kneejerk fashion, one way or the other. And, most of all, it's important to address the mechanisms of power by which our choices are severely limited and by which our unwanted votes are purged, changed or 'disappeared' into thin air.