We cannot wait until the election next year. We need changes now. Are we going to be a peaceful nation respected once again? Or are we going to be a war-mongering bully and a pariah in the eyes of the world? Yes, we know that 9/11 happened. Yes, we know there are people that hate us. Yes,we need to be on guard. Yes, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. But, eternal war is not the price of liberty.
We, Democrats, need to declare the need for change. We need to end our occupation of Iraq. We need to declare our support of an Iraqi constitution that includes the Sunnis. We need to declare our support for a timetable to get out of that place. We need to declare our opposition to the Big Oil companies and Ahmed Chalabi making the decisions about how that country will be partitioned or destroyed. Democrats need to get off the dime.
The Iraqi people should vote for nationalization of their oil companies with the sharing of revenues by all the Iraqi people, including the Sunnis. In a nation with 50% unemployed, they need some hope. The Democratic Party of America would be a strange place for them to look, but it could happen. America cannot take any more of the leadership of the incompetents now in charge. We need a change and soon.