An example of the bias in the piece-
On Friday, Qualls was busy welcoming a steady stream of visitors who let him weep on their shoulders. Every so often, vans with peace signs shuttling visitors to Sheehan's camp passed by - two separate missions thriving side by side with little interaction.Pro-peace:
On Friday, Sheehan, 48, sat in a folding chair, clutching a plastic cup of ice water in her lap. One by one, eager visitors slid into chairs next her, like children visiting Santa Claus. Cameras would come out, and over and over again Sheehan smiled. whole piece is written to deceptively establish some equity between the "camps" in Crawford-
In the past few days, the world seemed to be crushing to get in, overwhelming volunteers who are running shuttles, peeling potatoes and icing down water bottles. They all want a piece of Sheehan. Either they want to set her right about her critical commentary on the Iraqi war and Bush's policy, or they want to embrace her, encourage her - and get their picture taken with her.
There was no estimate Friday of how many people were spread among the multiple camps (both pro-Sheehan and con) that have sprung up around Crawford and the president's ranch.There is contact info at the bottom of the linked page