I finally figured out George Bush's NEW reason for staying in Iraq. This reason has also been co-opted by the Move America Forward and the poor mothers who would be honored if their sons were killed in George Bush's war for greed and power.
I have continually asked George Bush to quit using Casey's name and the names of the other Gold Star Families for Peace loved ones to justify his continued killing.
He continues to say this: "We have to honor the sacrifices of the fallen by completing the mission."
So the mission is now this: WE MUST CONTINUE KILLING AMERICANS BECAUSE AMERICANS HAVE ALREADY BEEN KILLED!!! How can anyone, anyone in their right minds support this line of reasoning?From
Camp Casey, Day 20 by Cindy Sheehan on August 27, 2005
More at the link:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cindy-sheehan/camp-casey-day-20_b_6302.htmlThe answer is -
no one who is enabled to think clearly instead of being brain washed.
I agree with 'Rob in Baltimore' in his assessment of Cindy Sheehan's discussion with Bill Maher.
When Maher asked her jokingly that if she didn't get satisfaction from George Bush, would she go over his head to Cheney or Rumsfeld, she replied:
"You know what Bill, I have gone over his head, I've gone to the American people. And we employ him, he's our employee."She has found her voice, and I gotta say, she's got a great voice. She's quick, she's smart, and I think that
she's going to be a great face for the American people's growing frustration with the war.Link at Americablog:
http://americablog.blogspot.com/2005/08/cindy-sheehan-is-about-to-go-boom.htmlMs Sheehan is going to be much more than 'a great face for the American people' -- because that face is attached to a very fine intellect and an exceptionally empathetic and ethical being.
What I and others will be trying to do is to contribute concrete ideas, to Ms Sheehan and others, as to how to transform America from a war economy to a peace economy. What I'm proposing involves enlisting the full participation of the military industrialists in producing goods and services that sustain their 'bottom-line,' and sustain and improve the quality of life and quality of the environment.
You can find a starter discussion here:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x4469580#4471065 (with more details in subsequent comments)
Thank you Ms Sheehan for setting America on a different course; a course of creativity, respect for life and truth.