(bolding is mine)
1. Great unhappiness at faux, specifically...To: doug from upland
Fox better come through and show just how big this thing is. They'd better show the troops watching in Iraq and Afghanistan just how many of us are there! If Fox doesn't come through, then they have caved and become part of the MSM.
812 posted on 08/27/2005 1:30:42 PM PDT by Spanaway Lori
To: 2nd amendment mama; McGavin999; Seattle Conservative; DollyCali; Fudd Fan; sTXsunAggie; TADSLOS; ...
Everyone, email Britt Hume. He's one of the BIG cheeses there.
To: Spanaway Lori; kristinn; Angelwood; tgslTakoma; sauropod; BillF
That is the one thing about this Fox unseemly "turnaround". They and we encourage the Troops to watch Fox News, and then they abandon them by running all the Cindy Trash in for weeks on end. They have had very little coverage of the Pro-Troops stuff, INCLUDING TODAY. WELL, THEY HAVE A FEW DAYS GRACE THEN I'M GOING ON THE OFFENSIVE!! AGAINST FOX TO MAKE THEM PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THEIR BASE.
834 posted on 08/27/2005 1:35:26 PM PDT by W04Man
825 posted on 08/27/2005 1:33:15 PM PDT by GOP-PatTo: Jeff Head; Squantos; Travis McGee
All the MSM talking heads are blabbering on about Katrina. Fox has not even mentioned Crawford while I have been watching.
836 posted on 08/27/2005 1:35:31 PM PDT by SLBTo: SkyPilot
They don't want live coverage because some American might say something good about America, and Cindy's compatriots will certainly say something bad about America.
They want to edit all pictures and statements to tell the tone, and story, they want to tell.
846 posted on 08/27/2005 1:37:31 PM PDT by DJ MacWoWTo: GOP-Pat
Thanks, I did. Fox is same old MSM now.
847 posted on 08/27/2005 1:37:37 PM PDT by walkertoad
850 posted on 08/27/2005 1:37:52 PM PDT by Prime ChoiceTo: SLB
Same here, and I have been watching straight for 2 hours; not even a 10 second blurb that there is a pro-troop rally going on. I sent Brit an email, plus several to others at FNC. But alas, to no avail.....not a blip about this rally. I'm beyond disappointed in them, and I have been a fox fan since day one.
858 posted on 08/27/2005 1:38:48 PM PDT by Laverne
To: foreign devil
LGF has coverage but nobody can access cell connections from Crawford so sending pics at this stage is just beyond the satellite capabilities
How are the lefties able to get their pics online?
860 posted on 08/27/2005 1:39:09 PM PDT by Krodg
To: Jeff Head
Well we will pound the pictures into the media's skulls when we get them.
862 posted on 08/27/2005 1:39:16 PM PDT by AliVeritas
2. Regarding the arrested freep:838 posted on 08/27/2005 1:36:03 PM PDT by roses of sharon
To: EmilyGeiger
A man with a sign that said "Let's Roll" was arrested for not standing where he was told. I guess he was in the road. We're trying to find out if he was a "plant".
3. The latest "off the deep end" accusation against the Peace ProtestersTo: Burlem
Early this morning one of the reporters said that protestors were following kids home, if they were latch key kids, talked them into using the shower. Can you imagine the parents reaction to that one!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is so incredibly fraught with danger on multiple counts. First off, a stranger following a child home is a HUGE warning beacon. Secondly, any child gullible enough to allow a stranger into their home AT ANY TIME is not fit to be left home alone. Third, if my kid did something that incredibly stupid, they wouldn't be able to sit down for a MONTH.
4. And a link to post #868..the pic of the freep faithful gathering in Crawford.http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1471900/posts?q=1&&page=851MKJ
edited for grammer