say on what goes into news. Campaign TV news covers what he wants said. There is always twice as much time spent on Arnold as the rest of the candidates altogether (It turns out that News is not covered under equal time.)
Whenever something comes up that makes Arnold look bad it is alway couched that the Democrats allege, yet they take allegations from hate radio and possibly say critics of Davis, Bustamante etc. not mentioning that it's likely Republican operatives.
The only way we even have a future is to do what we did with Bush and keep on him for the duration of his governorship.
When he does something unfair or says something creepy make it heard loud and clear.
People don't even know that Pete Wilson, Arnold's chief advisor, took away our right to overtime pay after 8 hours of work (by fiat through the CIWC) that the CA legislature passed a bill to override that and of course he vetoed it. Then after Gray became governor they passed another one AB60 which he signed so Gray is responsible for bringing back such a simple right as overtime pay after 8 hours work.
Our news, the Davis campaign managers neither sources never said a thing about that. And now with the Bush administration wanting to take away overtime pay entirely, it was noted in one publication that CA overtime law protects it, well, now with Pete Wilson 2 in Sacramento, we can forget that. I imagine they will do away with it again. In fact, as you see the Republicans use their platform for constant propaganda. I expect to see the Democratic clout in the legislature cut down big time.
In fact our TV news media and to a lesser extent the press have to be pushed into reporting things that are unfavorable to conservatives. Just like with treasongate. When a certain number of people already know about something or really want to know about something somebody will probably get the ball rolling and do a report on it.
Hate radio gets it's stuff out because they can reach a lot of people.
We really have nothing that will reach people in their trucks or on the job like the old radio.
But mixed message boards can work pretty effectively if we use them.
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