The right is in trouble and they know it. Don't believe me? Look at what's going on. Look at how they are protesting and what they are saying. The right wing that never questioned anyones patriotism is calling peace protesters "anti-USA."
The American legion is threatening violence against protesters. Throwing around 9/11 is becoming even more common, even from Bush.
The desperate, pathetic, right wing of this country is seeing the results of their policies and "ideas" unfold. It's unfolding in front of all of us and the only ones that will be left as Bush supporters (pro-usa?) will be around 28% of the population. Let's have a look at some of the inherent mistakes of conservatism.
Giving a tax cut during a time of war is OK.
Tax cuts will spur jobs.
We can send 15,000 troops to Afghanistan and use the Northern Alliance to do the fighting. Reality: We let Osama get away because there weren't enough Americans to capture him. We are still fighting because it wasn't done correctly in the first place.
We can attack Iraq with 150,000 and be out in 6 months. Reality: 1877 Americans dead and 30 months later, we are still there. If we left today, it would be considered losing the war. There is no reason to believe the situation will get better if something doesn't change. Bush will be the second American president to lose a war. Coincidentally, the other one is a republican too.
Fighting terrorism is a military operation, except when it's a police operation. Republicans can protect this country. Reality: The Republican President and Republican Congress are responsible for the most severe security failure in American history. Global terrorist attacks are up. Osama is still on the loose and Bush doesn't think about it much.
If gas prices go up, we will simply ask the Saudis to "open the spigots." Reality: Asking the Saudi's to open the spigots doesn't solve the core problem. The core problem is that there isn't enough oil and prices continue to rise.
Global warming is a myth. Reality: So is the Republican's credibility. Global temperatures are rising. Dangerous storms are increasing. Bizarre natural deaths are increasing (i.e. Red tide).
Ban abortion rights. Ban gay marriage. That brain dead girl is having fun. Reality: Majority of Americans support Abortion rights. Majority of americans support civil unions. Majority of Americans oppose interfering in people's private health decisions. BTW, not only was the girl brain dead, but she was blind too.
When the grown ups take charge, they will clean up Washington. Reality: Delay, Bush, Hastert, Duke Cunningham, Bob Taft and others belong in prison for obvious reasons. Ernie Fletcher may join them.
Let's face it. Conservatism is a failed ideology. Conservatives have put their "ideas" to work and they have been wrong or failed every time. The more conservatives realize this, the more bizarre their behavior will be.