I so tired of people telling me that the war is not a partisan issue bc not only rethugs voted for it (and it's not as if I imply it's a partisan issue, it just happens that those who chide my pro-peace sentiment are invariably rwers, they can't defend the war so they pull this irrelevent crap). I agree, war isn't a partisan issue, but for some reason the majority of peace activists are dems. So our leaders let us down, what else is new? The thing is, I vote dem bc they tend to let me down less often.
The thing I don't get is why so many non DLC dems voted for invading Iraq when anyone with half a brain knew the reasonn for invading was flimsy, and a transparent lie. Right now in my state people are talking about the Maria Cantwell campaign and I am surprised by how many are defending her vote for the war, and by the incessant idiots that never miss an opportunity to point out something a dem leader has done that goes against my beliefs, like it's my fault that politicians generally suck (just some less than others). "How do ya' like your Senator, huh?" as if a repug in her place would have voted against it? what is their point? they don't even know. they don't care is their mantra, right? *sigh*