sorry, sometimes I find a letter that's just so unbelievably stupid, that I have to share it. As usual, I wonder how the author gets through day-to-day life with such an obvious lack of intelligence while suffering from talk radio-induced paranoia from yesterday's edition of the charleston daily mail: ------------------------------------------ Byrd places loyalty to Democratic Party above all else
Regardless of how Daily Mail columnist L.T .Anderson and the rest of the inept West Virginia press try and spin Sen. Robert Byrd as the all-knowing, all-seeing, great patriot eye of the U.S. Senate, he still remains the self-absorbed, partisan, idiot politician he has always been. By Byrd placing his loyalties to The Party above those of West Virginians, Americans and our servicemen and women by continually encouraging terrorist assaults against our troops in Iraq with his constant snipping at the White House, he is directly responsible for more deaths to our troops in Iraq than Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and any single terrorist combined.
I know most West Virginians are not sophisticated enough to politically think for themselves. They have to depend upon Jay Rockefeller, Byrd and the unions to explain to them what they need, what they want, how to think and how to vote.
That's simply a fact known throughout the country.
Byrd is truly the living evidence to justify our reputation of being dumb, uneducated hillbillies.
Osama bin Laden told the world what his battle plan was to defeat America. He said all we have to do is inflict light casualties on the United States and the opposing party to the White House will start their snipping and slowly erode the resolve of the Americans and they will cut and run, as always.
It's sad that Byrd places the value of a Howard Dean or a Hillary Clinton in the White House above the lives and safety of our sons and daughters serving in Iraq.
Donald Hancock St. Albans