> August 24, 2005
> Tommy Franks Invades Logan Street Elementary School
> The Militarization of Our Children
> As Labor Day draws near and children head back to school, much
> important attention is being focused on recruitment tactics (sanctioned
> by No Child Left Behind) in our country's public secondary schools and
> colleges. However, this hounding and seduction is not just happening in
> our high schools. Rather, it reaches down to children as young as 8
> years old. Here, though, it is packaged as leadership, character, and
> discipline development, or as top-secret motivational presentations by
> so-called medal of freedom recipients
> On April 19, 2005 Tommy Franks visited Logan Street Elementary school
> in Los Angeles to do what was billed as a "motivational presentation"
> for the school's students. The "non-profit, pro-military" organization
> that sponsored Franks' secret (without family consent or knowledge)
> presentation to the school's fifth graders was actually U.S. Trust, a
> private investment firm with $102 billion dollars in assets. Logan
> Street school is 89% Latino, and 93% of the students receive free or
> reduced lunch. This is exactly the population that is heavily targeted
> by NCLB-related recruitment efforts. I suppose that US Trust and Franks
> were there to encourage the students to be all they can be?
> We don't know what actually went on during Franks'
> performance/presentation for the fifth grade students, because
> apparently the video of the event has been destroyed by the school
> district. However, one parent speculated: "Rumor is that he took
> pictures with our community youth to be used in a future run for office
> bid on the republican ticket."
More at the link. (I got this in an email)