Edited on Sun Aug-28-05 12:47 PM by meganmonkey
How is it that the PRopaganda bullshit from Rove Cheney & Bush Co. was so effective over the last several years, and now they seem to have NO idea how to handle this?
I don't get it.
They rather effortlessly convinced America to support this war from Day One. They effectively utilised a national tragedy in a way that ensured gung-ho nationalism for a completely unethical war, and they convinced the vast majority of the country that it was absolutely necessary for survival.
As it became more and more obvious throughout 2004 that it was a total clusterf*ck that was only getting worse, that it was based on (at the very least) poor intelligence and mismanagement, they still managed to get Commander Cuckoobananas reelected. As you probably know I am a believer that the election was fraudulent, but with or without it, the fact that this country sees him as a legitimate leader is absurd. But Rove Cheney & Bush Co pulled it off somehow.
Now something is happening. I think I know what it is - the country is waking up from several years of hibernation, of being like puppets controlled by cable news, fear, and manipulation. Polls lately have been a joy to read (regardless of my skepticism of their real meaning, they show a trend that I like seeing), the Peace movement is riding a wave that hasn't been seen in decades, and (not having lived through Vietnam) in my perception we are heading to critical mass next month in DC without having to suffer a tragedy like Kent State...I am not saying I think we are close to success, I know we have a lot of work to do and we need to keep this up for as long as it takes, and I know it will likely get uglier and more violent - I am optimistic without being naive - but we are on our way.
Rove Cheney and Bush Co know that we are on our way. But they seem to have NO IDEA how to handle it. They seem not to have figured out that they can't just put the chimperor on the teevee and have him stutter over the same old tired talking points and catch phrases. They don't seem to recognize that no one is falling for 'Stay The Course' anymore, or that we are actually making America Safer or any of it.
Why haven't they stepped it up? I mean, someone hired a PR firm to send a bus to Crawford and they seem to have a somewhat sizable counter-protest, but that doesn't help them a whole lot. It may help keep some of the folks on their side who are wavering because they are starting to feel alone in their hyper-'patriotism', maybe.
But there is a change in the big picture, and they don't seem to be handling it at all, let alone successfully. So what's the deal?
My tin-foil-hat part says something big is in the works, another LIHOP or some sort of major event to instigate the next phase of WWIII in Iran or Venezuela or whatever.
But a big part of me thinks that they are failing, and they don't have a workable plan. That part of me says that they got giddy with power, especially after the re-election, and they started taking things for granted, and now they are just f*cking up.
So what do you all think?
What happened to the PRopaganda machine?
Is there a 'secret plan'? (yeah, I know, there's always a 'secret plan' :P )
Or are they starting to get a hangover from being drunk on power so long?
Discuss :)