Our justification for the Invasion of Iraq is...
1. Saddam Hussein was a terrorist threat and had weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons. And September 11th.
No? Wait um... okay theres not any WMD in Iraq... No nuclear program? No flying drones to spray biological weapons over the east coast? Okay let me start over.
1. Saddam Hussein was a terrorist threat with links to Al-qaeda and had weapons of mass destruction development capabilities. September 11th pass it on...
Huh? That truck is for what? For balloons? Whats that? No links to Al-qaeda? Saddam is a secular leader you say - not in league with fundamentalist Bin-Laden... but aren't all those Arab types just religious fanatics... what generalizations? Oh alright how about this...
1. Saddam Hussein was tyrannical dictator who gassed his own people, tortured thousands, and oppressed the people of Iraq. Even though we know he had no link the the World Trade Center attack - I just want you to remember one thing - SEPTEMBER 11th - SEPTEMBER 11th - SEPTEMBER 11th - SEPTEMBER 11th - SEPTEMBER 11th!
What now? Okay so the gassing thing happened back during the Reagan/Bush era when we egged him on to kill those radial Iranians - I know Rummy shook his hand so what? Don't the people of Iraq deserve some freedom? Why do you liberals hate freedom? Okay, Okay...
1. We are bringing democracy to the region, and taking the fight to the terrorists so we won't have to fight them at home. BRING 'EM ON! Don't you feel safer now?
What, you don't feel safer? What about the bombings in London you say? Iraq is the perfect terrorist training ground for future terrorists who can then attack us later? More terrorist activity than ever before? Well, we'll just have to stop reporting on that... kind of embarrassing... What now? So they want Islam in the constitution... don't worry about that they are talking about "A" religion not "The" religion... women will have rights... Condi says so... Well how about this then.
1. We have to continue the fight in Iraq to justify the sacrifice made by those who have valiantly given their lives for... uh... uh... a just cause.
If you need any clarification on that see #1...
Got it? Good!
And by the way - SEPTEMBER 11th - SEPTEMBER 11th - SEPTEMBER 11th - SEPTEMBER 11th - SEPTEMBER 11th!