Knight Ridder
Shiites may benefit from a proposal that gives the biggest say in most matters to the numerical majority.
"The constitution places fairly weak checks on the majority," Brown said....
Islam will have a strong role in Iraqi government. It's the official religion of the state and no law can be passed that contradicts the "undisputed laws" of Islam, according to the constitution. And the Supreme Federal Court, which is given the job of interpreting the constitution, will include Islamic law experts.
"It there are losers, it's secularists, particularly secular and religious minorities," such as the Sunnis, Morrow said.
Revenue from oil fields developed in the future will be controlled by regions, said Jonathan Morrow, an adviser to the drafting committee from the United States Institute of Peace, a nonpartisan conflict-resolution group. Regional control helps Kurds in the oil-rich northern part of the country. Shiites who dominate southern Iraq have considerable oil too, but not Sunnis who are in the middle.
_The draft sets a 2007 deadline for settlement of the fate of Kirkuk, the oil-rich northern city that Sunnis, Kurds and Turkmen each claim.
"My guess is they'll get Kirkuk that way," Morrow said, meaning the Kurds.
i know they got 'NO-ONE' to blame but themselves (according to conventional wisdom (M$MWs) but we surely realize that ain't gonna work, cept for the divide and conquer strategy.
how many dem leaders will go along with this strat?
at what point will china, india & russia get more heavily involved... after Iran?
shouldn't we be working to ensure human rights in international law and getting future world powers to sign on, instead of stripping then from proposals (BOLTON) and threating the world with our military and 'diplomatic' aggression?
can we get our leaders to get behind this and actually speak OUT and stand UP for it?
or is it way past time for that kinda optimism :shrug:
BTW: here is an interesting article that sparked this question posted by one of DU's old-timers, Jack Rabbit...
Stagger on, weary Titan The US is reeling, like imperial Britain after the Boer war - but don't gloat
Timothy Garton Ash in Stanford
Thursday August 25, 2005
The Guardian,5673,1555819,00.html peace