Earlier today, I attended a fund raiser for a City Council candidate in town and a well known local politician stopped in. I was talking to the candidates hubsand, as I have known him for many years, and the well known guy stopped by. Well, I have been wanting to talk to this guy for a while because he defected from the Democratic Party and ran against a damn fine representative in Iowa last year on the school voucher platform and only that platform. He was trounced but that hasn't stopped him. I was talking to him about various local issues, like start up businesses, and he wanted to make it harder for a guy like me to start a business by giving tax breaks to established businesses and toughening up the requirements for individuals to start up. But here's the real kicker. I told him that I worked for the Kerry campaign last year and he told me that HE DIDN'T EVEN VOTE FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!! This is unbelievable to me, as he tried to run for state office. His rationale was that he is a Viet Nam vet and didn't like what Kerry did. I asked him if he was for freedom of speech and he said he was. I asked him how that could be since Kerry was just exercising his rights that he fought for. He mumbled some shit about 'Nam to me and commented on the band. I then asked him about patriotism. If he can't even vote for president, how can he expect to get elected for the Iowa State House? Seemed like another disconnect from reality to me.