Message to Free Republic Members,
Once again you have proven yourselves to be the most reliable foot soldiers in the conservative movement.
No matter where or when, no matter how daunting the challenge, we know we can count on Free Republic members to be at the ready to do what it takes to fight for the cause of freedom and liberty.
Your commitment to activism begins at the top of your network and extends to all members. We were so delighted to have Free Republic's founder, Jim Robinson and his wife, make the trek from Fresno down to Crawford with us.
Your members spread the word of the "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" Tour to friends, family members and co-workers. You called the news media on our behalf to insist that they cover our activities. You came out to greet us and cheer us on - even when we were running hours late, and despite the fact that often we gave you little advance notice of our arrival into town.
And so many Free Republic Members came out to join the caravan and the giant pro-troop rally in Crawford, Texas on Saturday.
There is a special thanks to the crew that was in Crawford in advance of the event -- doing the hard work of getting our site ready, helping with the program, providing food and beverage, and all the other great amenities that are too numerous to mention here.
It is no exaggeration to say that we could never have achieved the success we had on this trip without your direct participation, assistance and leadership. Our troops serving in the U.S. military and their families have once again been well served by your commitment to the principles that unite your membership.
Please accept this email as just one of many ways we wish to express our deepest appreciation for your help and admiration for your solid adherence to your beliefs. May you continue to speak out, take action and help move America forward without hesitation into the future.
Sincerely yours,
Melanie Morgan & Howard Kaloogian
Co-Chairs, Move America Forward