Here's an interesting and annoying link: I hope everyone realizes Harry Reid forced the Shoshonis to accept money they DIDN'T WANT TO ACCEPT for the land the government stole from them based on the Treaty of Ruby Valley. does this matter besides it being racist and oppressive toward natives? The Shoshoni land we're talking about is YUCCA MOUNTAIN. All he would have had to do is support the Shoshoni wishes to maintain their rights to the land the federal government has stolen from them in order to stop all Yucca Mountain plans or at least slow it. But instead, he pushes this money on them, thus pulling the rug out from underneath any arguments that would stop Yucca Mountain. And at the same time, he's stating he's AGAINST plans to contaminate Yucca Mountain with tons of nuclear waste from states with irresponsible energy policies.
Hey- I know! Let's elect him president!
Nevada Resident who's HAD IT with our Democratic Party.