TAXPAYER BAILOUT-Should the federal government spend billions of dollars to stem the tide of wetland loss
in Louisiana? Share your opinion on our forum, and learn more about the issue at*My answer: NO.
The OIL COMPANIES that helped aid this diaster should be forced to pay the bill.
The OIL COMPANIES should be forced to pay the remaining amount of damages that the bloodsucking insurance companies won't cover (Life and property damage/loss).
The OIL COMPANIES that whined and cried for some of the most insane engineering in the wetlands should bear the resposibilities that come with an aided disaster.
In other words...BUSINESS EXPENSES.
Enough of this crying about environmental problems being some kind of "wacko leftist drivel."
In other words...WE TOLD YOU SO, dumbfucks.
*Think about this for a moment: If you and I opened a small or medium sized business that went bust for poor market performance or any other reason that we deemed "unfair", do you think the federal GOP thugs are going to financially bail us out to help US stay in business? Hell no.