When you realize how far that case went. She wasn't expecting to discuss her claims. Just about Clinton.
She claimed Clinton kept her from recieving flowers on secatary Day, But when questioned under oath.. She admited she wasn't a secatary and didn't KNOW if other "non-secatarys" did or did not recieve flowers.
She claimed He prevented her from getting pay raises. But she recieved several, couldn't state much about it. Wither it was normal, etc.... She wasn't "prepped" on this issue at all.
Claimed he prevented her from getting a advancement at the work place.... she admited that she didn't eve APPLY FOR ONE.
She had NO case.
The hoopla was over what she said was his MOTIVATION for why he prevented her from getting flowers/ prevented pay raises/ prevented job promotions, etc.
She was ready to speak about the motivation, because that is all that the media questioned her about. She acted like she was suprised that the defense was questioning her about pay raises, job promotions, etc. She couldn't answer the questions, she wasn't prepared to answer them.
The defense pretty much showed that her case was full of AIR. But the media never reported THAT.