First off, thanks to Generic Other (who I overlooked in my first post back :blush: ) for riding herd over the vast number of DUers headed to Crawford from all over everywhere, getting us info on where to pick up vans & supplies along the way. To the pro war folks who thought you were sooooo smart in "reserving" large passenger vans so WE couldn't get them, we were one step ahead of youse guys because we found vans in places you wouldn't have imagined. Oh, and when you didn't show up to pick up the vehicles you "reserved?" THE RENTAL COMPANIES CALLED US TO LET US KNOW SO WE COULD GO GET 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
I got on the road & when I got to Austin, the phone nags ;) from Anarchy1999 (btw, :hug: )started. Since we were both on the road & the van in Temple had been "rented" out from under us, she gave me GO's digits since she was online getting info for us...Imagine this folks, 2 women in Texas heading to Crawford from different directions & 1 woman in the Pacific Coast all working together to find a damn van between where I was & Crawford. Well, we found one that turned out to be just 2 exits from where I pulled off to gas up. I don't want to put off any non-Christian folks here, but for me, this was one of the MANY signs that God wanted me to do this...I wasn't planning to pull off...it was freakin' rush hour on Friday...but Anarchy begged me too. I whined about the traffic & I also wasn't sure I could afford to rent a van, but Anarchy said God would provide (and He did in more ways than I thought possible).
So an hour later, I pull back into much heavier traffic in what I think is the largest damn vehicle I have ever driven. Anarchy & I arrive at my hotel at the same time. We decide to go to Crawford to drop off T shirts & go to dinner after I check in. This is where I become DG Underground. :evilgrin: As I enter the lobby, a very strapping young man (enlistment age) was standing at the check-in counter chatting up an enlistment age young blonde about how he went out to the site w/a camera to film the supporters...he claimed he yelled out "if you support Cindy, say so now" but no one said anything...he snotted "apparently, if you don't have a 'real' media pass, they aren't talking to you." He & the woman checking in then started yakking about all their events. They did see me, but apparently, they took me to be a shrubbie supporter too so I found out they were having a BIIIIG party on Saturday & where it was. Even got an invite. They made plans to meet for dinner & the guy said to me "We'll see you tomorrow!" Oh yes, you will. :evilgrin: Best part, he was in the room next to mine ("I'll be in XXX if you want to come see the video I shot" Fat chance in hell, buster, but I gave the # of the hotel & his room # to the Iraq vets & told them to give him a jingle...at 2 a.m.)
Anarchy & I head off to Crawford. I got to meet Kay & sit in on a meeting w/the police chief (gotta love organic organizing). I met Parking Barbara who was head of Traffic Control--Parking & Shuttle Wrangling. AWESOME!!!!!! I end up going back to Waco with a couple that just had pulled in from San Diego. They just took off on Thursday, drove more than 24 hours in their tiny car,to be in Crawford for Saturday. Over the weekend, I heard various riffs on this story: people dropping whatever they were doing, getting to Crawford however they could--bus, train, car, plane, frequent flyer miles, just to be there to add their voice to the peace movement.
Got back to Freeper Central & went to bed to rest up for tomorrow.