Chavez threatens UN complaint, if no action against Robertson (AFP) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has warned he will lodge a complaint against the United States at the United Nations and other international bodies if the US government fails to act against television evangelist Pat Robertson, who has called for Chavez's assassination.
"If the US government does not take action that it must take, we will go to the United Nations and Organization of American States to denounce the US government," the Venezuelan leader said Sunday as he addressed participants at talks on a social charter for the Americas.
He added he believed that by failing to act against Robertson, the United States was "giving protection to a terrorist, who is demanding the assassination of a legitimate president."
full story at above link*****
my thoughts on RobertsonRecently, Radical Cleric Pat Robertson, leader of the Fundamentalist Extremist organization “The 700 Club” aka “CBN” made a televised terrorist threat against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. This statement by Pat Robertson, along with his recent televised prayer that ‘there be more vacancies on the Supreme Court' (whose justices serve lifetime appointments), unquestionably meet the criteria for the official definition of terrorism:
Terrorism is: “The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives.” (JCS Pub 1-02)
The U.S. will not tolerate terrorist threats of this nature from Radical Clerics like Pat Robertson. Our nation is currently engaged in a Global Struggle against Extremism, and that struggle is against ALL Fundamentalist Extremists including those like Robertson who make public suggestions of violence against world leaders or petition the Deity to smite U.S. Supreme Court Justices. Robertson’s actions are extremely serious, and should not by any means be taken lightly by the U.S. Government or by the American People.*****
Democracy for America's Petition on Robertson