So far, all the stories I can find on this are copies of the Reuters story on the Mexican TV show "Vile Brother." (On edit: it's not a TV show, but an awareness campaign. That being said, if someone comes up with the idea for a reality show, these things have a way of getting aired.)
"Four Mexican politicians completed a three-night stay in a spider- and scorpion-infested shack on Wednesday as part of a campaign to raise awareness about poverty dubbed "Vile Brother."
In contrast to the typical house on the reality television show "Big Brother," the shack was made of sticks, tin and plastic sacks, lacked a sewage system and had a dirt floor." must be done in the US! Some network should send six Republicans out to a shack in Appalachia somewhere, especially as how they are always carping about how "easy the poor have it in America," how America "is the only nation in the world with fat poor people," and how "the average poor person in America has a car, cable television and a microwave." I suspect there's very few of them who could last a day without Starbucks, bottled water and expensive prostitutes.