who have pooh-poohed the worst case scenarios that were discussed on the news. They have referred to people who were upset about the situation in New Orleans as "Chicken Littles" and insinuated that they were getting voyeuristic jollies from this disaster. One thread was dedicated to how the computer models of what could happen to New Orleans in the case of a Category Five hurricane directly hitting the city were wrong and overly dramatic.
Now the Lake Ponchartrain levee has been breached at the 17th Street Canal. I know New Orleans and its suburbs well, and I know what this means. Lake Ponchartrain is emptying into the city, and though engineers are trying to mend the breach, they can't get the heavy equipment moved in to do an effective repair. The lake is actually higher than most of the city, so a lot of water is going into New Orleans. It will undermine the buildings that haven't been destroyed, and the water is rising above the levels that drove people up into their attics.
Nothing has been said about the levees on the Mississippi River, but the river will rise as flood waters drain from places further north that are affected by Katrina. Normally, if the river rises high enough, engineers open the floodgates on the levee that allow some of the water in the Mississippi River to flow through Lake Ponchartrain, but that kind of relief on the levee system is impossible now that the Lake Ponchartrain levees have been breached.
Normally, water in the streets is pumped into Lake Ponchartrain - now that is impossible, until the breach in the levee is fixed - if it can be fixed.
So yes, the Chicken Littles were right - it just didn't happen all at once like a disaster movie (and few disasters do, it's the undermining of infrastructure that leads to the most damage and deaths, and takes several days in the case of hurricanes and other major storms). This is going to be horribly catastrophic. It could lead to the end of New Orleans as we know it, particularly if that levee breach cannot be mended.
I personally found such remarks horribly offensive. My son is in New Orleans. He might be in the Superdome - he might not. There are issues I don't want to go into, but he is a person who is not usually in his right mind, and he is an insulin dependent diabetic. I cannot make any sort of contact with anyone who might know where he is, or if he is even alive.
To read the smartass "so much for those computer models" and "Chicken Little" posts is really galling to me right now. But then, I knew what could happen in New Orleans, as I know it well, and I know how the pumping system has always been inadequate and how the pumps burn out easily, and that any levee breach could mean the end of the city as we know it. Obviously, those making the smug and superior posts about Chicken Littles and people getting off on the drama of it all did not.
People are dying. My son could be dying. The water is rising - and I consider it in horrific taste for anyone to make remarks to the effect that things are not so bad or that everything was blown out of proportion by the media. It only shows their ignorance of the deadly potential of this tragic situation.