July 14, 2005
Passage of Long-Awaited WRDA Bill A “Huge Step Forward For South Louisiana”
U.S. Rep. Charlie Melancon today praised passage of the Water Resources Development Act and the important provisions for south Louisiana that he fought to have included. Among the items in the bill are the Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA) study that commits the federal government to a long-term program to restore Louisiana’s coast, and authorization for the Morganza-to-the-Gulf hurricane protection project in Terrebonne Parish.
“The WRDA bill was one of my highest priorities for my first year in Congress,” said Melancon. The biennial WRDA legislation had last been enacted in 2000, making the current WRDA bill three years overdue. “We’ve watched too much of our coast wash away and been through too many close-call hurricane seasons waiting for this federal commitment,” Melancon continued. “This is a huge step forward for south Louisiana, and I’m pleased I could help push it through.”
The authorization of the Morganza project has been the most significant hurdle to developing the 72 mile system of locks, levees and floodgates designed to protect Terrebonne Parish from up to a Category 3 hurricane. “I am especially pleased that the hundred thousand residents of Terrebonne Parish no longer have to wonder if their federal government is going to abandon them to their own luck every time a major storm hits. This is the commitment that many of us in south Louisiana have been waiting for for a long time.” Melancon had already secured a $1 million appropriation for the project in a bill passed by the House earlier this year.
Due to Melancon’s efforts, WRDA contains several other projects important to south Louisiana:
* Mississippi River Gulf Outlet restoration
The LCA study includes an environmental restoration plan for MRGO. The measure also directs the Corps to implement a program for the beneficial use of dredged material, and authorizes $100 million for the beneficial dredge program
* Larose to Golden Meadow (Leon Theriot lock)
WRDA will allow federal reimbursement for up to 65% of South Lafourche Levee District’s past and future costs on Leon Theriot Lock. Since 1996, the Levee District has requested conversion for the Leon Theriot (Golden Meadow) Floodgate into a lock.
* Channel deepening in Plaquemines Parish
WRDA requires a study to deepen channels at Tiger Pass and Baptiste Collette to 24’. A deeper channel will allow larger service vessel traffic for oil and gas field servicing. Additionally, the dredge material could be used to replenish the surrounding delta. Both channels are currently authorized at 14’-16’.
* New Orleans to Venice protection levee
This language will add a section of levee (St. Jude to City Price) to the cost-sharing agreement of the New Orleans to Venice Hurricane Protection Levee (70% federal-30% local). Without this authorization, Plaquemines Parish would remain responsible for the entire cost of the lift project on this section of levee.
* Port Fourchon and Bayou LaFourche Channel
WRDA extends authorization for Port Fourchon by 0.6 mile. This will allow the Corps to maintain the Port’s channel for an additional length that encompasses new marine terminals that were recently built, providing additional economic utility to the port.
The bill also corrects a Senate error that would have mistakenly had the effect of de-authorizing the Port Fourchon project altogether.Economic Justification of Navigation Projects
Of particular importance to the ports of New Iberia and Morgan City is WRDA’s directive that the Corps take into account the value of future energy exploration and production fabrication contracts when determining economic justification for related projects.
* Port of Iberia
WRDA authorizes a larger Port of Iberia navigation project at a $123 million to $71 million federal-to-local cost sharing agreement). this with: