;-) "looters" ;-) ;-) NUDGE NUDGE
"Looters" will have a whole seperate (ssshhh don't say it out loud) meaning from this day foreward. Trust me on that. The message is getting out loud and clear (from what I am reading here on DU about MSM), what a wonderful opportunity to highlight the negative in a time with many examples of the triumph of the human* spirit.
*-not exclusive to America.....at least the non-looting ;-) part.
BTW-this is why businesses have business insurance.
Oh see below for a link shots of non-looters ( ;-) while the camera is on them if you know what I'mtalkin''bout ;-) ) below.
A woman walks through chest-deep water as
she heads to loot a grocery store in New Orleans, Tuesday, Aug. 30,
HEINEKEN!!! It's all about the beer
A looter carries a bucket of beer out of a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005,
Looters make their way into a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005