ORLEANS (AP) - Crews hope to plug a broken levee in New Orleans with three-thousand-pound sand bags dropped from helicopters.
The city is below sea level, and the network of pumps, canals and levees isn't keeping up with the rising water. Many pumps weren't working this morning.
Rising water has sent patients from one hospital to the Louisiana Superdome. A knee-deep moat surrounds the stadium and downtown streets are swamped. The water is fouled with gasoline, debris and floating islands of red ants.
The top homeland security official in New Orleans says bodies have been spotted drifting in the floodwaters.
Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco says the devastation being seen this morning "is greater than our worst fears." She describes it as "totally overwhelming." Blanco says there are no casualty figures yet, but that "many lives have been lost."