Edited on Wed Oct-01-03 09:51 PM by Jacobin
Brian Williams on MSNBC is taking breaks between CheneyGate interviews to discuss the riots in cities across Iraq over unemployment including pictures of “voluntary Iraqi policemen” turning over and burning cars in league with their countrymen, who apparently are not happy with their occupiers.
There is a perfect storm gathering that will destroy the Bush* administration. Harken back to Tricky Dick’s re-election in 1972. He promised a “secret plan” to end the Vietnam quagmire, which after his election proved to be expanding the war, invading Cambodia and Laos and killing thousands more American soldiers and Vietnamese civilians. The “Silent Majority” still supported Nixon and were not able to come to the conclusion that Nixon (and thus the voters) were “wrong” about Vietnam. Nonetheless, those subject to the draft, and a growing number of liberals were aghast at the bloodletting and mayhem, and violent protests were a daily event. Students were shot and killed by police as they protested.
The American Voter needed a scapegoat for their poor choice for president. They could not admit they were wrong and thus tacitly have blood on their hands.
They needed Watergate.
Bush* as puppet, danced about like a marionette by Cheney/Wolfowitz/Kristol/Rumsfeld, went through his moves on stage, pretending that Iraq was a menace to the US and the world, who would attack us with godawful weapons at any moment, harbored al Qaeda operatives and stored thousands of tons of chemical and biological weapons. Cheney had to ice the cake with his “yellowcake lie”.
The truth is now so obvious, that it is simply impossible to hide. The junta lied to start a war and profiteers are making out like bandits while our fellow countrymen die and we occupy and destroy a muslim country.
American voters now need CheneyGate. They can’t have been wrong to support Bush* and the war; otherwise they would have blood on their hands. With Cheney going down, it can all be blamed on someone who lied to them, and who is a traitor by violating the Espionage Act by aiding terrorists by hindering legitimate WMD operatives in the CIA. You can’t get any more treasonous than that.
The tide is turning, finally. This is not a false alarm. Cheney will resign within months. Bush* will hope that this will end the bleeding and that Iraq will blossom. It won’t happen. Iraq is descending inexorably into chaos, just as Vietnam claimed more and more lives, the longer it went on.
Bush is not just “toast”........he is burnt toast.