1. Bush, Cheney, prominent Republicans, et al ordered the 9/11 attacks. 2. Torture against Iraqi civilians, Afghan goatherders, British citizens, Australian citizens, etc. in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. 3. The USA PATRIOT Act. 4. Military assaults featuring chemical weapon attacks and gassings of peaceful demonstrators and legitimate concertgoers. 5. Reinstituting slavery/debtor's prisons. 6. LIHOP genocide of African Americans in NOLA. 7. Assassination and usurpation attempts vs. Hugo Chavez. 8. Perpetration of fraud against the UN and all the governments and people of the world as a pretext for the Iraq war. 9. Heroin cultivation and smuggling in Afghanistan. 10. Violations of Iranian airspace. 11. Sponsorship of and participation in terrorist organizations (esp. MEK) committing terrorist acts against the sovereign state of Iran. 12. Participation of Halliburton and intelligence agencies in the Darfur genocide. 13. Mutual sponsorship of and from radical clerics making terroristic threats against the democratically-elected president of Venezuela. 14. Continued cocaine smuggling in Latin America. 15. Continued long-running sponsorship of terrorist organizations (e.g. FARC death squads) in Columbia. 16. Defrauding USA elections. 17. Perpetrating the largest-scale, longest-running act of mass rape in the history of humanity in/via US prisons. 18. Mass imprisonment using fraudulent evidence (COINTELPRO & successors) and unjust laws ("War on Drugs") in what are furthermore racially and politically biased manners.
There's plenty more, esp. if you go into US military and covert interventions in Latin America, but you get the idea.