Breathlessly waiting for Bush and Congress to decide that
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Wed Aug-31-05 04:51 AM
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Breathlessly waiting for Bush and Congress to decide that |
those poor oil companies need money for repairs and rebuilding after Katrina and their removal of money from the national treasury to do it.
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Wed Aug-31-05 05:00 AM
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1. You know it will happen -- even as the poor in New Orleans... |
and the other hurricane-ravaged areas get the shaft.
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Wed Aug-31-05 05:07 AM
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Wed Aug-31-05 05:12 AM
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4. I share that anger. Maybe we'll get a chance to express it... |
in 2006 and 2008, by driving the Republicans from office forever. That is, if the Democratic Party can ever be taken back from the Democratic Leadership Council and the oligarchic slavemasters it serves.
Hubert Flottz
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Wed Aug-31-05 05:12 AM
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3. You don't expect the looting to stop do you? |
EXXON and friends loot at will, but the cops want to shoot people who would steal something to eat in the hurricane zone...
Island Blue
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Wed Aug-31-05 05:41 AM
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5. I think you can count on that happening. |
I'm sure that is Shrub's #1 concern right now. Such an evil, evil little man.
AdBot (1000+ posts) |
Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:53 PM
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