More pissed off & bitter than anything else:
from tune of "The Battle of New Orleans".

Well, in Two-aught oh-five we had a mighty storm
but missing was Dearest Leader, as is now the norm.
We took a lot of flooding and had to survive on our means,
Yes we caught the bloody hell in the town of New Orleans.
Katrina blew its gusts and the water it kept a'comin.
There was more suff'ring through all as ever long ago.
It blew much more than once and we began a dying'
But Preznit Bush, he wouldn't come near the Gulf of Mexico...
Well, Bush flew down to Phoenix and he flew to San Diego
And he ran from the weather like a cowardly a-hole.
He ran so fast the storm couldn't catch 'em
away from the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico.
We asked for help but the Chimp kept a runnin'.
Til there wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We died and drowned but the Chimp kept a runnin'
for a Photo-Op and away from the the Gulf of Mexico.