WOW. . .the president is leaving his 5 WEEK vacation 2 DAYS EARLY!
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Wed Aug-31-05 07:16 AM
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WOW. . .the president is leaving his 5 WEEK vacation 2 DAYS EARLY! |
. . .man is this guy dedicated. He had a vaction that was hard work, got to do some fundraiser, stump for his war and cleared some brush. But he is willing to sacrifice the last two days of his vacation to deal with this little mess in the gulf coast. . .god this guy is tireless and the press is definately recognizing his dedication.
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Wed Aug-31-05 07:17 AM
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thought, also, the a$$hole :mad: What a loser p.o.s.
The Backlash Cometh
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Wed Aug-31-05 07:20 AM
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2. If this were Clinton, or Gore or Kerry... |
(1) Our emergency response would have been quicker and more organized; AND
(2) Those men would have been making contacts to organize further rescue efforts that would have been VOLUNTEERED base.
The Republican Plan under Bush:
(1) Do they call on those churches that they gave public money to and ask for their help? Nope.
(2) They will, instead, reach out to their biggest campaign donors and ask them if they want no bid contracts to do the work.
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Wed Aug-31-05 07:54 AM
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3. now, now, those churches are doing a lot |
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Wed Aug-31-05 08:03 AM
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4. U R correct. Everybody duck - here come the no-bid contracts! |
And they're not only no-bid, there's no govt. monitoring or oversight either. What Bush would really love is to totally privatize FEMA.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:51 PM
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