And it is not just the marine corps that is losing their helicopters either. There is nothing to spare for relief efforts in the US! All of those NO National Guard took their equipment with them to Iraq. Think of all of the life saving resources meant for the US that are now being used and abused for death in Iraq.
fuck bush....'Boneyard' helicopters get new life
09:49 AM MST on Tuesday, August 23, 2005
By Carol Ann Alaimo / Arizona Daily Star
Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are taking a toll on the Marine Corps cargo helicopter fleet. For solutions, the service is turning to Tucson.
Military officials are dipping into the "boneyard" at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and breathing new life into old gray hulks mothballed for the past decade.
For the first time, several CH-53E Super Stallions are being refurbished and put back into service. The massive copters have been in storage since the mid-1990s, said Tim Horn, who oversees naval aircraft at D-M's Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center, or AMARC.
The $30 million Super Stallion is the largest military helicopter in the Western world, about as big as a tractor-trailer. It has three engines and seven rotor blades rather than the four or five blades common on other copters.
Its size and power reflect the aircraft's heavy lifting role. It can carry up to 55 troops inside while tons of military vehicles and equipment hang beneath the aircraft on a sling and hook system, according to military Web sites.