That is good, it should be there and I support it 100%. However, when it comes to another minority, one that by many measures faces more prejudice, we hear resounding silence from every profession.
People who lack a belief in God are feared and hated with the full force of our culture, Congress, and our leaders (although courts will sometimes intervene):
Then Vice President George H. W. Bush stated in 1987, "I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots." This apparently included the many nontheists that were serving in the armed forces at the time. There was no political backlash.
According to a recent Gallup poll 95% of Americans are willing to vote for a Black candidate for President, 92% for a Female or Jewish candidate, 59% for a Gay candidate, and 49% would vote for an atheist candidate.
US Senators Miller, Nickles, and Inhofe all said in a recent interview that they would not confirm a Supreme Court Justice if he/she did not believe in God.
In 2002 Atheist Tyler Deveny was beaten (made the police report section of the local newspaper!) by classmates who said "Oh, you hate God(?)” before punching him in the face.
Darrell Lambert was kicked out of the Boy Scouts (BSA has a policy on this) because he would not profess belief in a supernatural being.
As of 1996 seven state Constitutions require belief in a supernatural being for public office. This is in direct violation of Article VI of the Federal Constitution, which mandates that there be no religious test for public office. Their enforcement was struck down by the High Court about 40 years ago. For the majority of this nations history this was legal, yet no body knows to what extent it was practiced because no historian has cared to document it. As recently as 1993 South Carolina refused to let Professor and atheist Herb Silverman become a notary public because of such a provision(reversed in court).
Our currency says, "In God WE Trust" apparently ignoring the 30 million or so people who do not believe in God and as a consequence can't possible trust him. If we do not trust in God and as our currency states, "we" (meaning Americans) trust in him, 30 million of our citizens have been codified as not being American. To this day the national motto is cited by conservative to moderate Judges and Justices as being a reason to affirm similar policies. Much like saying, prior to Brown v. Board of EDU., segregation at water fountains is legal so then should segregation at the school house.
An organization has been formed to change the title of "Atheists" to "Brights" like the Gay Rights people did in changing "Queers" to "Gays", in order change societal views about nontheists. class mate asked me, "Aren't atheists satan worshipers?" the same semester I was denied in a SWK class the opportunity to choose (like everyone else did) a minority to discuss for an assignment in class.
The term "atheophobia" (the fear and hatred of atheists) is not contained within any minority text (designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of minority relations) any where. In fact, I believed for months that I was the first to think of such a term.