MSM focusing on a few dozen people in what may be the only section of NO that you can actually go out and loot. In the mean time the funds for flood prevention are lining the pockets of Halliburton execs who are rebuilding a foreign country that other corporations have bombed into oblivion. Last night on Nightline Ted is interviewing the head of the energy dept. who says that they are prepared to go after and prosecute anyone gouging fuel prices given the current situation. He meant they will prosecute gas stations, not the oil pigs who have been gouging us for over a year. NO plan in effect to help in an overly predicted catastrophe, NO plan to deal with the obscene extortion by oil companies re: the cost of fuel, and a president that imitates Nero on the day of destruction for over a million American citizens with NO sense of urgency or compassion. It is time we demand some answers and take this pack of clowns down.