t r u t h o u t | One Mother's Stand
By Scott Galindez
Tuesday 30 August 2005
11:46 PM
David Rovics just left the stage closing things out under the big tent. He played a song he wrote about Cindy and Casey titled "Every Mother's Son" you can download the song at DavidRovics.com.
Cindy and Ann Wright honored all the volunteers that made this happen ... too many to name here.
Veterans for Peace showed a video of day one which was fitting as we close down camp. You can view the video here.
I will probably blog next from the road...
http://www.truthout.org/cindy.shtml NOTICE: VETERANS at CAMP CASEY I, near Crawford, have issued an appeal for donations of generators and other goods to be taken to victims of Hurricane Katrina. The group plans to leave Camp II at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday to deliver donations and supplies left over at Camps I and II to those in need in areas impacted by the hurricane. Any persons having first-hand information on conditions in New Orleans and the area north of Covington, La. (Washington Parish) are urged to contact this newspaper. Some individuals at Camp Casey have relatives in that area and are anxious for news.