Spite the tragic events of the past 24-72 hrs connected to Hurricane Katrina which happened to the Gulf Region of the United States..There is countless damage to homes,business and personal property,and a death toll that is growing by the minute. The basic things that most folks use on a daily basis are not there... Running Water,Electric and Food.. Yet these are things that we never really bat an eye about using them because we know that they will be there. The City of New Orleans will be rebuilt it may take years,but the emotional scars from this storm will have lasting effect on the residents. The price tag from the damage is growing by leaps and bounds. It is a little late to play arm chair quarterback and attempt to guess where did we go wrong. Right now it is an issue about saving many lives as you can and attempting to rebuild the city and people lives slow and surely. Everyone cared about the victims of the tsunami which was a tragic event also.Since there is tragic event that happened on US Soil, I am wondering who will take the first step.. and help to make a difference.