As can damn near ever administration that preceeded him for 30 years, and so can local cities and governments.
The frustrating thing about gas prices rising is we have no fucking options. While we are still using 100+ technology to propel our fat asses to and fro, governments at all levels in this country have shelved sensible alternative consumer energy programs in favor of the old tried-and-true blacktop.
What options, do you, as a consumer, have other than to continue to buy cars and gas?
I live in SE Virginia and commute 12 miles to work.
- We have no transit to speak of. The local government voted down a light rail system 3 years ago because a "transportation tax" measure was lambasted in the local press. The tax would have amounted to $0.001 on the dollar, but it was deemed too expensive.
- The transit we do have consists of these absolutely assinine "trolley buses" that belch fumes and travel along sporadic routes:
- I would ride my bike to work in a heartbeat if I didn't have to share the road with maniacal drivers of all sort. For instance, my route from home to work would require that I ride along Military Highway (VA Route 13) for about 3 miles. I refer to that stretch of road as the Malty Highway, after the virtual river of beer cans that litters the side of the road. There is no way I am going to get on my 20 pound bike with a 1/2 pound piece of hard foam strapped to my head and think, for even a second, that I was safe.
All of these governments and administrations have seen the writing on the wall for decades. As a result of the inaction of our governments to foster alternative energy and transportation programs, the oil industry has us bent over, if you catch my drift.
//have to fill my car
///it's a Civic
////thank for the ////'s