Where I live, the combined state and federal gas tax is about 40 cents. The price of gas rose 40 cents since Katrina. Some stations had gas for 3.06$ a gallon.
Today, Tom Marr, an extreme RW talk show host (you should hear him normally- a real wingnut asshole) in Baltimore said that oil companies are price gouging and are making more profits than they ever had in history. He admitted it. He also called for the WH to order the Justice department to investigate oil companies, who are making out like bandits on high prices at the expense of the american people. Even before Katrina, he admitted that the oil companies were over charging and it is getting worse since. He encouraged people to go to the Energy Department and register complaints about gouging.
He also said the WH is doing nothing at all, and they are failing in leadership.
I enjoyed every minute of this. Even hardcore repukes are jumping this sinking ship like a pack of rats.
What i want to know is why the oil companies are doing to Bush what they did to Jimmy carter? Bush has given them massive tax breaks, and all kinds of perks, took Government off their back and let them do whatever they wanted. He even gave them ANWR, a piece of pristine wilderness that has so far escaped their plunder and pollution. He gave them Iraq.
In the 1970s, big oil took the OPEC embargo, which only amounted to 5% of our oil in the 1970s and price gouged to ruin the economy and make profits. They stopped when Reagan came into office and appeased them by cutting regulations and taxes, in effect giving the economic saboteurs in big oil exactly what they wanted. Why are they doing this to Bush, who is even more of an appeaser than Reagan?