I've seen the resources thread, and it's helpful, but here's a blatant question.
What organizations would make the most effective use of our donations? Which have the least overhead, and will get the funds RIGHT TO those who need them the most?
Also, which organizations NEED the money the most; are there some that serve particular needs that are getting overlooked
I want to know this because I'm going to be producing PSA's to run in my radio show and podcast starting this weekend on how people can help, and I want to make sure, before I tell people where to send help, that it's really going to make it there. I don't want my listeners' money lining Libby Dole's pockets, or buying more blood diamonds for Pat Robertson when it should be helping poor families who have lost everything.
Guidance and suggestions are appreciated; I will provide links to download my PSA's after I produce them tonight or tomorrow, for those who would like to pass them along to friendly stations near you, or for other podcasters.