Edited on Wed Aug-31-05 05:10 PM by KCabotDullesMarxIII
being taken in by far-right wing propaganda, Ladyhawk.
I wouldn't EVER use that term, "throwing money" at ANYthing. It is a favourite example of Newspeak of the far right, and not appropriate terminology for a Democrat (outside the beltway, need I add).
"Throwing money" at problems is always precisely what needs to be done, so that administrators have the resources available to react immediately and appropriately to problems. Indeed, it needs to be thrown at the highest possible velocity.
Of course, ACCOUNTABILITY is the great NO-NO of the far right, but then, after the problems are solved and the situations are rectified, the "money-throwing" administrators, can and should be be held to account, for the manner in which the funds were applied.
When money is "thrown" at social services of any kind, at communities in trouble of any kind (ooooh that scary word "community"... so like "communist" and "communism"), it is impossible - unless corruptly, feloniously diverted - to be misspent anything like as grossly or criminally as the high-earning corporate looters of our societies habitually, nay, routinely, waste on their regal life-styles at the expense of their fellow-countrymen. People before money. There's plenty of the latter to around. It's just that there's too much of it in the wrong hands.