toilet paper. I doubt it will get Into the Forest bad -- more like something out of Dickens (complete with millions homeless and starving to death, not just in the Katerina region but throughout the nation), with the end not the total collapse forseen by Hegland but rather the permanent reduction of the United States to a Third World economy: a tiny, ever-more-obscenely rich oligarchy savagely tyrannizing a huge, ever-more-impoverished, ever-more-desperate proletariat. With no recovery possible because the oligarchy will never again allow any alternative to the capitalist New World Order.
Desperately wish I still lived in the country. My survival skills are strictly rural/agrarian: vegetable gardening, fishing, hunting, even trapping if it became necessary -- all totally useless in a city, especially a city like Tacoma, where capitalism in the form of ASARCO has left the soil so toxic any foods grown thereon are deadly poison.