Edited on Wed Aug-31-05 07:23 PM by Chichiri
(rough draft)
WHEREAS the George W. Bush administration failed to prevent the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, where the evidence suggests they could have handily done so, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration may have altered the facts and intelligence to further their agenda for war, punishing any patriotic public servant who disagreed with them, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has attacked the nation of Iraq without provocation, leading to a conflict that has killed thousands of brave American troops and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has forever besmirched the moral authority of the United States by approving, justifying and/or carrying out torture, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has furthered the cause of terrorism by undermining the Middle East peace process and failing to effectively deal with North Korea, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has promoted economic policies that fail to create new jobs, fail to help small businesses, promote outsourcing, strip millions of overtime pay, and has passed tax cuts heavily weighted to benefit the wealthy, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has undermined the cause of education in America by under-funding programs such as No Child Left Behind, and freezing funding for such things as quality teachers and after-school programs, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has under-funded health care for troops and veterans, dramatically cut Medicare, and placed restrictions on stem cell research while falsely claiming it would not hamper medical progress, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has weakened clean air and energy efficiency standards, and abandoned the Kyoto Treaty, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has allowed gas prices to soar to the extent that the average working America has much greater difficulty making ends meet, and
WHEREAS the Bush administration has underfunded FEMA, thus making rescue and rebuilding efforts exponentially greater in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, as well as engineering programs that could have prevented the levee breaches that has flooded New Orleans and left hundreds dead and tens of thousands homeless, and
WHEREAS these failures constitute a severe and growing weakening of the strength, integrity and global authority of the United States of America, and
WHEREAS there is no indication that the current administration, or any like-minded politician, is either capable or inclined to halt or reverse this trend,
NOW THEREFORE, I, the undersigned, counting myself a true and faithful patriot of the United States of America, do hereby declare my solemn oath that I will:
TAKE any and all action in my power, short of violating the just laws of the United States, to further the cause of immediately removing the Bush administration from office, and
TAKE any and all action in my power, short of violating the just laws of the United States, to further the cause of immediately removing any politician from office who is sympathetic to the goals and priorities of the Bush administration that have so weakened America,
TAKE any and all action in my power, short of violating the just laws of the United States, to further the cause of ensuring that no like-minded politician comes to power in the United States government,
SUPPORT the efforts of any holder of or candidate for public office to remove the Bush administation from office and/or to ensure that no like-minded politician comes to power in the United States government, and
REFRAIN from giving any aid and support to any candidate for public office, including but not limited to voting for, volunteering for or giving financial contributions to said candidate, who has not signed this pledge and may not be sympathetic to the cause thereof, except under the most dire circumstances, and
PROMOTE awareness of and support for the basic fundamental concepts upon which this country was founded.
TO THIS END, I hereby pledge my best efforts and my sacred honor.
Signed ___________________________ Date _______