I recently made a point that although the Dean and Clark
campaigns are raising a lot of grassroots money, the candidates
are not really talking about campaign finance reform.
The Deanies angrily shot back at me "$15,000,000, 150,000
donors, $86 avg. donation -- there's your campaign reform".
I argued back that although internet fundraising is great it
is no assurance that things are going to get better unless
the candidates take campaign finance reform, and corruption
in politics in general, head-on.
Here's an example and should give us all food for thought...
Republicans Log Over a Million New Donors
Wed Oct 1, 5:02 PM ET Add Politics - AP to My Yahoo!
By SHARON THEIMER, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - The donations aren't all that big — most under $30 — but the number of people contributing to the Republican Party is a milestone: more than 1 million new donors since President Bush (news - web sites) took office.
That beats the Republican National Committee (news - web sites)'s previous record of 853,595 first-time donors during President Reagan's two terms in the 1980s. The new contributors in Bush's tenure yielded $55 million for the RNC, spokeswoman Christine Iverson said Wednesday.
"These are not wealthy people," said Iverson, who said the typical donation was under $30. The RNC doesn't know whether the donors gave to Republican candidates in the past, but it was their first time contributing to the national committee, she said.